5 Psychological Processes You Can Use To Give Your Self-Confidence The Boost It Needs

One of the most common subjects that individuals will raise in discussions with psychologists is self-confidence, or rather their lack of self-confidence. A lack of self-confidence can produce a range of negative scenarios for an individual ranging from being afraid to speak up for themselves to extreme examples of living in fear of being around others.

There can be many triggers that first cause a person to have a lack of self-confidence, and certainly far too many to list here. What is true is that lack of self-confidence can begin at any stage of a person’s life, although in many cases it begins in childhood. Remember, we are not born confident but, as we develop, we learn to be confident based on the experiences we have as we grow.

However, whilst some of those experiences can be positive and confirm our self-condolence, other experiences can be negative and diminish our self-confidence. The key point to note is that no matter what age you are and to what extent you feel or do not feel self-confident, self-confidence is something that can be nurtured and practised.

To help with these, here are five psychological processes which you can use in an array of situations where your level of conference is of importance. None of them is complicated, and, if used frequently and repeatedly, can help you to boost your self-confidence to a higher level.

Self-Confidence Process #1 –  Think Of And Focus On Occasions And Times You Felt Self-Confident

There have undoubtedly been times in your life when your self-confidence was high. These may have been on a single occasion or over some time. What you do is to try to remember as many of these as you can and write them down in a journal or notepad. Next, take each one and try to recall as much about that occasion as possible and revisit the feelings of self-confidence you had for as long as possible.

Self-Confidence Process #2 – Stop Saying, “I’m Not Sure” Or, “I Think So”

The vocabulary you use can reinforce a lack of self-confidence. Examples are when you are asked for your opinion or a decision about something. Instead of weak responses like these, be bold and answer with “I believe”, or “I have decided” which sounds far more powerful and confident without being overly assertive.

Self-Confidence Process #3 – Banish Negative Assumptions From Your Mind

One of the biggest causes of a lack of self-confidence is negative reinforcement which comes primarily from your own thoughts. Phrases like “Oh, I can never do that”, “I am useless at…”, or “I’m not good enough to…” must be replaced. Start using positive phrases that are present tense and affirm that you CAN do something, even if you are still learning or trying to improve it. Examples are “I feel confident in all situations, “Others wish to hear my ideas”, or “I can…

Self-Confidence Process #4 – Do Or Wear Something That Makes You Feel Empowered

Are there any activities that you know you excel at every time? Do you have any outfits or clothes that, when you wear them, make you feel empowered? If so, do or wear these as often as possible as they will reinforce positive thinking, especially about how confident you feel. The more often you feel confident the more of a habit it will become.

Self-Confidence Process #5 – Avoid Social Media

The internet age has spawned many positives, and many would argue one of those positives is social media. It may have its uses, but one negative is that you could be comparing yourself to others on social media when they post about their achievements, their wealth, their relationships, or their luck. These comparisons do not serve you as they can magnify feelings of inadequacy, so take a break from social media and take time to think about your own achievements instead.