Facts You Must Understand Before Applying For A Parent Visa
Australia has many appeals for those who live overseas and who wish to live here. However, as with any other country, Australia, does have an open door policy allowing everyone and anyone to live, work or study here. Instead, several requirements and eligibility criteria must be met. This applies to all visa types, including Australian work visas and parent visas. If a parent visa is something you are considering, here are facts about them you must know.
Who A Parent Visa Is For
In simple terms, a parent visa is for parents who wish to join their children who already live in Australia. The children of a parent seeking a visa must meet one of three criteria: 1) Australian Citizen, 2) Permanent Resident of Australia, or 3) New Zealand Citizen.
Different Classifications Of Parent Visa
There are a range of parent visa types and subclasses depending on the individual’s circumstances, and whether they wish to stay permanently or not. Here are the details for each of them:
Subclass 884: Contributory Aged Parent Visa
This is a temporary parent visa that lasts for 2 years. The applicant’s age must be that of the Australian state pension age, currently in Australia, and not currently within the application process for the parent visa subclass 870.