9 Tips for Moving into Your New Home with Teens

Moving is stressful on its own, but when you add teens to the mix it can be a nightmare. However, it doesn’t have to be. Teens are old enough to help, but even if you hire Brilliance Removalists Perth and they only unpack their own stuff, it will save you having to do it. Here are some tips to help make moving into your new home with teens easier.

  • Your teens need and deserve to know why you are moving and what you expect will improve for the whole family. They need to be listened to and so even though you know what they are giving up, listen to them and try to address their fears or concerns. If they know you are on their side, they won’t feel so abandoned.
  • Talk to them about your expectations for them and for the family as a whole. It doesn’t hurt to admit your own fears or concerns about the move and let them know how you are dealing with them.
  • Give them a moving timeline so they know what to expect. Ask for their help in packing and put them in charge of packing their own stuff. You may have to show them how to pack goods safely, especially breakables. Give them tips on labelling so they can keep track of their stuff.
  • Make sure they know what to expect for their own life. They will likely be leaving their school, friends and social scene. Make sure they know what they are heading to. Perhaps they could even choose their new school.
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The Most Effective Automatic Pool Cleaners

Installing a pool is a wonderful way to get the children out of the house and doing healthy exercise where you can watch over them. When you have a pool, you will know that the biggest headache is keeping it – and thus the water in it – clean, so it is safe to swim in and swallow, since kids usually end up doing this while they are playing in the pool. An automatic pool cleaner will take much of the drudgery out of cleaning the pool.

There are many different kinds of pool cleaners available, so you need to do some small research to ensure you get the best one for your pool. Some cleaners suit small pools, while others are better for larger ones; still others suit a specific shape such as curved or cornered while others will even climb steps.  To get the most effective machine for the job all these things should be taken into account, but there is still another way to get the best cleaner and that is to look at robotic cleaners.

Just like robotic house vacuum cleaners, the robotic pool cleaners work pretty much on their own. You only have to put them in the pool and watch them go to work. In fact, watching is not necessary, but you are sure to want to watch your cleaner working at first, just for the joy of seeing it do all that hard work instead of you.

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Packing Tips for a Bali Holiday

No matter where you go for a holiday it is difficult not to over-pack, but this is never so true as going to Bali because it is so hot and humid, in fact, many are able to travel with only carry-on luggage. You will only need summer clothing there, so leave coats, jumpers and trackies at home. This will free up a lot of space in your luggage, but that doesn’t mean you have to fill it up. So whether you are going to stay in one of Balis best hotels or one of the amazing villas on offer, Easy Villas offers some good packing tips for your Bali holiday.

  • Don’t stress about what to pack. If in doubt leave it out. You can always purchase more when you get there if you need it. Many items in Bali prove to be really cheap.
  • Pack only lightweight clothing. Swimming? Take two swimsuits so they will have a chance to dry out in between swims, whether it be at your accommodation or at one of the beautiful beaches
  • Take one cocktail dress and dressy sandals to go with it. For the rest, shorts, t-shirts or casual tops and joggers for walking are all you will need. Thongs for beachwear/casual walking are also good.
  • You will need to take or purchase a sarong to cover you up when visiting temples, otherwise a pair of long pants or maxi-skirt will do, but they’ll be hotter.
  • Leave that beach towel behind. Most accommodation provides towels or beach towels. If not, they are quite cheap to buy. However, if you are arriving late at night and will want a shower, you could take a smaller towel just in case.
  • Don’t worry about taking make-up. The weather is so hot it will all sweat off – or you will swim it off. Instead, take tinted sunscreen. This is one thing that is expensive in Bali, so take plenty with you.
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5 Mistakes to Avoid when Starting a Landscaping Business

Once you make the decision to start up a landscaping business like Lone Pine Landscapes, there is a lot to do and understand, even if you’ve worked in the area before. It is easy to get carried away with enthusiasm and make mistakes that can have your dream tumbling down, along with your cash flow. So here are 5 mistakes to avoid when starting up your business.

  • Landscaping is not just mowing, although it can include that. There will be many kinds of implements and equipment that you are likely to need in carrying out your various landscaping chores. It’s important to not rush out and purchases them all, especially those high ticket items like ditch diggers. Instead, purchase the things you’ll use a lot of and sub-contract or hire the rest, at least until you can afford to buy them.  And while it’s important to have modern equipment, you can save money to start with by purchasing good used equipment.
  • Not answering the phone is going to cost you money. When people do their research and pick two or three people to do their gardening work, the next step is to phone them. If you don’t answer, they’ll go onto the next one on their list. Of course it is hard to answer when you are working or driving. But you can have the calls redirected to someone else who can answer for you or hire an answering service. Otherwise, you need to leave a friendly but professional message on the phone promising to call back within a certain time such as at lunch time or during your afternoon break.
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The Joys of Outdoor Living

While living indoors allows us to create a controlled climate that is comfortable year round, there are many benefits to outdoor living as well. Fresh air and sunshine are actually healthy for us. If we don’t get a certain amount of sun on our skin it can adversely affect our health, as health care officials have begun to realise. Sun interacting with our skin makes Vitamin D, an important vitamin whose lack makes us very unhealthy.

Besides the health aspect of being outside, there is the social aspect. When a space for outdoor entertaining, alfresco meals, or just relaxing outside is created, people gather there and chat as well as enjoying their time outdoors. And somehow, it is different from doing the same thing inside.

Teenagers – known for disappearing into their rooms at age 13 and not reappearing until they leave school –  tend to like sitting outside by a fire pit and discussing the world with their peers. It has become a cool thing to do. Children who are couch potatoes exercising only their electronic game finger, actually run around outside with a ball, the dog or a friend, so they get more exercise than they normally would inside. Add a swing, slide or sandpit and they will begin to love the outdoors, too.

When we go outside, especially if there is a place created especially, we can appreciate the sun, the breeze, birdsong and flowers. In a way it’s a bit like being let out of prison. The home can become a prison if we are not careful. Everywhere you look there is cleaning or something else to be done, especially if you work outside the home and don’t get a chance to clean during the week.

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How to Get Rid of that Tattoo

Sometimes we do stupid things when we are young and regret them a great deal as we mature.  Tattoos come under this heading. During that time of our teens and early twenties we are in a rebellious frame of mind and may get extensive tattoos that we realise a few years down the track look very ugly. If that has happened to you, consider investigating PicoSure Tattoo Removal.

Once, it was well-known that if you got a tat you would have it for life whether you wanted it or not. When you are young you don’t realise that having a tattoo can actually interfere with your job prospects and even with your social life. If the tattoo is extensive and ugly you will probably be branded as a bikie or a criminal even if you never learned to ride a motorbike or saw the inside of a police station.

You would not be accepted for any kind of job where security of any kind was important. You couldn’t work with children or do many other things that you may want to and had the skills to do. That is why you suddenly realise that it is time to get rid of the tat. Or on the other hand you might just want to replace it with a different one for some reason.

PicoSure tattoo removal uses special laser treatment to break down the ink in the tattoo so that your body will see it as a foreign substance and be able to remove it. The benefit of the new treatment is that the pulse of the laser is much faster than previous similar treatments. This allows a stronger pulse to be delivered with fewer complications or damage to the skin.

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Why BodyAttack Group Fitness Classes Could Be for You

Have you ever found yourself tiring of the same old routine? Going for a run can, of course, be beneficial for your body, but there can be many drawbacks as well. What’s more, a solo run offers none of the benefits of a group fitness class such as BodyAttack. If you’re tired of pounding the pavement, or you’re looking for something new, here’s why a BodyAttack group fitness class could be for you.

You’ve Hit the Wall

It’s not uncommon to hit the wall in your exercise routine. You may tire of going along the same road for a run every day, or you may discover you’re no longer losing weight or feeling any fitter. That’s when you need to find a new way to exercise. A BodyAttack group fitness class could be the answer because it pushes your body to the limit. It’s a medium to high-intensity exercise with sports-inspired workouts. You don’t require any equipment, but you get to take part in a 55-minute cardio class to improve speed, fitness, agility, and strength.

You Want to Make Friends

Going for a run on your own can be freeing for the soul, helping you to melt away the stresses of the day. What it doesn’t do, however, is let you make friends. Running is very much a solo activity, and BodyAttack aims to change that. When you join a group fitness class such as BodyAttack, you will immediately love the group dynamic. While you’re there to take part in high-energy training, you also enjoy an element of camaraderie, encouraging everyone to push and challenge themselves. You may even make lifelong friends in the process.

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How to Care for Your Limestone Floor

Limestone floors are more than just aesthetically pleasing; they are stunningly beautiful.  Not only do they add value to your home; they also create a hard-wearing and durable surface that will last for decades. But just like any other flooring surface, they require care to always look their best.

The main thing to remember is that only a PH neutral cleaning product should be used to wash or mop the floor, or to spot wash a spill. Most household cleansers are acidic, but the acid will have a negative effect on the limestone, eating it away over time.

When the floor is first laid, it will have been sealed, so this will keep the floor in good shape for some time. But when water no longer beads on the top it is soaking into the floor, which means it is time to reseal. Being porous, limestone will absorb moisture – and stains – unless it is kept sealed.

Even when resealing, care must be taken not to use too much of the product in one spot in case it stains. It should be spread evenly, left for about 30 minutes to soak in, then the excess wiped off. The first sealing should occur before the grout is put in as even that can stain limestone. Two coats of sealant may be necessary. However, if the limestone has been crushed and mixed with cement to make the tiles, it will not be as porous.

The supplier will very likely give you instructions on the care of the floor and these should be followed carefully to ensure your beautiful floor is never spoiled.

Mistakes to avoid when cleaning limestone tiles

  • Using bleach
  • Flooding the floor with water
  • Never rinsing the cleanser off
  • Not changing dirty water frequently
  • Leaving residual moisture in the cracks.
  • Not wiping up spills immediately
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Budgeting Tips for Your New Home

Few people can purchase a home without getting a loan to do so. That means you have to pay back the loan plus interest – and lots more besides; stamp duty, insurance, solicitors fees and so on. Sometimes budgeting starts off well but you get off track, or extra bills come in unexpectedly and you find it more and more difficult to repay that loan. Here are some tips on how to stay on track with your budgeting.

  • If you find it increasingly difficult to pay the mortgage off, it is time to stop and take a reality check. First thing to do is write down everything you spend money on for a whole week – yes, every single thing from that morning coffee to your snack bar or magazine. It may shock you to see just where the money is going.  It will also enable you to find ways to plug up the leak so you don’t have to default on your mortgage repayments. Know what’s coming in and how much is going out. The former should be more than the latter. If not, cut back ruthlessly. People once lived quite well without Foxtel, internet connections, mobile phones, coffee from a coffee shop, going out for meals and going out to concerts or footie games. They had no more than 3 outfits. You can do the same if it means keeping your house.
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Side Effects of Liposuction

Every surgical procedure has some kind of side-effects. Since liposuction is surgery, it too, has certain side-effects that you should know about. That is not to say that they should cause you concern; it is just something you need to cope with for the result you want. If you have concerns about anything, don’t be afraid to discuss it with your doctor beforehand.

Why there are variations in the side effects

There will be different side effects for different kinds of liposuction in Perth. It depends on: –

  • The number of incisions – the side effects for a patient having only a few incisions will be quite different for someone who has many incisions over a wide area.
  • The size of the area treated – as above. A larger area will require more incisions.
  • What kind of anaesthetic is used. The general anaesthetic itself will often cause certain side effects such as nausea, vomiting and sometimes, chills. Since it is more a strong sedative than a pain killer, there will be more pain afterwards than if a local numbing agent is used alone – or used with it.
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How to Spot a Lemon When Buying Property

Buying your first house is an exciting time and you can hardly wait to sign on the dotted line and move in. In fact, even when buying for a second or third time you will feel excited and ready to make that fresh start in a new home that suits you even better than the one before.  However, don’t get carried away be the excitement or the emotional attachment you may feel to a home. Some homes are lemons, having things wrong with them that will have you calling a home maintenance company constantly and will be very costly to fix. How do you spot a lemon?

  • Look for damp patches that can signal a problem with the plumbing, the guttering or the waterproofing. These can be in spots other than the basement, so look high and low. Check for fresh patches of paint and suspect that they are there to cover mould that won’t wash out. Mould is very unhealthy to live in so this is definitely a lemon.
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How to Create a Mini-Bali at Home

If you’ve been to Bali for a holiday you probably didn’t want to come back home at the end of it. Many people fall in love with the friendly people, the culture, lifestyle and food and go back again and again to enjoy it. They even love the Balinese outdoor furniture  – available in Australia from Drovers Inside and Out, that is so different from what they are used to, yet allows them to truly relax during their holiday.

If you have felt like that at the end of your travels, why not create a mini-Bali at home? Here’s how: –

  • Create an outdoor space for relaxing in and purchase Balinese style outdoor furniture from a store that imports it.
  • Purchase some Bali flags and statues to decorate the garden.
  • If you live in a tropical area you’ll also be able to grow similar exotic plants and flowers.
  • If you live in an area too cool for tropical plants, buy a few fake ones; these days they look real enough.
  • Learn how to make the same kinds of drinks you enjoyed in Bali and serve them up in similar glasses.
  • When you go to Bali, take a short cooking course for your favourite meals, then you’ll be able to serve them up to family and friends in your mini- Bali.
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Party Hire – Try a Photo Booth

If you are hosting a party you will want all your guests to have a great time, so you need to pay attention to all the many details there are in getting a party off the ground. There are many things to arrange, from getting a good DJ and music to deciding what drinks and nibbles you’ll have. One way to ensure guests have fun is to hire a photo booth.

Photo booth hire has become a popular trend for parties and other events. Everyone wants to look back on a party and remember what a good time they had. And everyone loves to look at photos. Put the two together and you’ll see a photo booth at your party will ensure your guests get both. They’ll not only have the photos to look at afterwards, but have lots of fun getting them taken on the night.

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OK, it means: the potential for causation of illness by medical treatment. The word is not in my dictionary, but I think it’s a good word. And it defines what I believe is a major health problem of our times. Let me phrase the problem in the form of a question: How much of the illness and disease running rampant today is caused by medicine? This question came up for me — once again, I should say– reading the May 2003 issue of Nutrition Action, the newsletter of the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

In an article on digestion, aptly named “GasBusters”, by Bonnie Liebman, there is some commentary on medications such as Pepto-Bismol, which are based on bismuth subsalicylate, a common over-the-counter digestive remedy generally not considered harmful. Ms Liebman goes on to say, “But take Pepto-Bismol every day and you could end up with bismuth toxicity. It causes a dementia that can sometimes masquerade as Alzheimer’s disease.”

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Don’t Ignore Security Fencing

Lower safety Levels

The levels of security in cities and neighbourhoods is deteriorating quickly. Relying on traditional security systems to ensure your safety and that of your investments is getting harder, almost impossible. By investing in a reliable security system to protect your premises, you will be able to achieve a peace of mind. There is a wide variety of systems available ranging from motion detectors to residential security fencing.

Fencing Traditions

Fencing has been used for hundreds of years to keep out unwanted guests and to maintain privacy. People still place importance on the protection of their property, assets and buildings. While we no longer have the castle, the moat and the drawbridge, there has been a design evolution to adapt to changed living conditions and housing structures. To meet the specific needs of customers, more sophisticated fencing designs are being made.

Fencing Made to Order

Functional modifications and design changes to fencing are made to the requirements of customers. If a customer requires high levels of security, then a more complex solution will be required compared to premises needing a lower level of security, such as your home.

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The Importance of Safe Scaffolding

Many buildings these days are high-rise, even residential buildings. Few such structures can be built without some form of scaffolding to provide access to those parts that are out

of reach. Whether it’s a high-rise of many storeys or a home with one high side, safe scaffolding is needed if the job is to be completed safely.

We have heard of scaffolding collapsing for whatever reason and it is a danger not only to the people using it, but to those who are underneath. Severe injuries or loss of life are the results of scaffolding falling down and anyone who survives must be considered very lucky. So how can you ensure the scaffolding for any building job is safe?

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Carpets vs. Other Flooring Choices

If you are renovating your home you may have decided to pull up that old carpet instead of worrying that your carpet cleaning efforts are not good enough. Timber floors always look beautiful, while tiles come a close second. Besides, they are easy to maintain and you can wash them without getting a professional in to do the job, right?

Brilliance Cleaning will tell you that there is more to consider. Carpets are a popular choice for several reasons. Here are some of the benefits of carpet that you may not get with a hard floor.

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Frankenstein Food

Perhaps a little dramatic, but not altogether off the mark. We’re talking about food that has had certain characteristics cut out, and others, perhaps from a different species, pasted in. How appropriate for the end of the 20th Century! We certainly know how to eat at nice fine dining restaurants and cut and paste on our computers, how to do heart and kidney and liver transplants, why not extend the metaphor to plants and animals?

Genetic engineering is a hot topic, although the industry does not want to call attention to it. Preferably, it should proceed quietly and inexorably, so that by the time we notice, it’s already here and inescapable. In fact, that’s what already has happened. According to the New York Times, some 45 million acres of farmland have been planted with biotech crops. At least 38 different crop species have been genetically engineered for specific traits, crops that include soy, cotton, corn, wheat, and potatoes. Your favorite miso, tempeh, soy sauce, cookies, and chips could have been manufactured from these “transgenic” crops. Or not. But, unless you buy organic food always, you have no way of knowing, because these foods are not labeled. Not only that, by law foods that are NOT genetically engineered may not say so. The idea is that if they advertise themselves as not genetically manipulated, that implies that genetically engineered foods are inferior — and the courts have held that such an implication interferes with a newly minted “right” of free speech by corporations. Isn’t our language wonderful?

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